My Medical Malpractice Lawsuit — Medium Tried to Censor These Articles on the Account of the Corporate Lawyers but They Have Not Met Me Yet.

Marie Yolette Winfield
17 min readFeb 28, 2022

All 4 of my demands must be met. (Since Medium did not have the integrity to meet my demand, I decided to move those articles to my Google Blog. You can read both articles here and see for yourself how depraved those so-called doctors are). After all, I gave them 14 days. If they refuse to meet my demands, not only will they be sued, Foster & Eldridge, LLP will be sued too.

After I emailed Medium regarding their despicable action with regard to my reporting on my medical malpractice lawsuit against the charlatans from Steward St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, I received the following email from Medium:

Thanks for reaching out!


Before I recount what Medium had the nerve to email me, let me tell you a story:

If you are ever a plaintiff in a lawsuit, expect the defendant to look to find out if you ever — ever — sued anyone else, as if somehow the United States Constitution had some clause forbidding people who need to seek redress for grievances to have only one single shot at suing offenders, whether in civil or criminal courts.



Marie Yolette Winfield

Teacher/ Writer/Mom/Meta-physician/ Caretaker- Stander-upper! Travelled the world in my imagination & by planes, trains & automobiles. Next: Brain Surgery!