Capitol Crimes — Confederacy Rising: The January 6, 2021 American Insurgency & Civil War 5.0

Led by Unpatriotic Secessionist Republicans, White Supremacists, Rogue Armed Seditionist Militia, Racist Jihadists, and Now Twice-Impeached and Unfit US Pee-ewsident Donald J. Trump.

Marie Yolette Winfield
20 min readJan 13, 2021

All of Mr. Pee-ew’s voters are racist, because none of them will admit to the prevalence of racism, even when they are not waving the Confederate battle flag beside the Trump flag, or try to replace the American flag with the “let’s-return-to-slavery time” flag.

The twice-impeached, twice popular-vote loser, one-term hijacker of the White House, will go down in the historical archives of this nation as the worst person who ever rose to the pinnacle of American power. But surely he will have an excellent defense once red dye-dripping Rudy Giuliani, the leader of the horrible show that has been the tramp regime, starts oozing venom all over the Senate floor and ranting incoherently from earth-2.

We can all hear the master of the sweating cabal, Giuliani, now:

“My client is not the worst person or the worst thing in the world. There are Lucifer, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, stage4 cancer, septic infection, the coronavirus, and let us not forget 2020.” Rudy TBL Giuliani, will make this pronouncement from the alternative universe that this corrupt regime has created, the second-time impeached conman



Marie Yolette Winfield

Teacher/ Writer/Mom/Meta-physician/ Caretaker- Stander-upper! Travelled the world in my imagination & by planes, trains & automobiles. Next: Brain Surgery!